Thursday, November 19, 2009

Show No Mercy! SleighR is at The Beer Authority

Ninkasi's new Dark Double Alt is a refreshing change from the standard Strong Ales and Imperial Stouts we see during the holiday season. SleighR, with the type font reminiscent of the heavy metal band Slayer's albums, is malty and roasty with a crisp finish.

Ok, tasting notes...the nose is toasty and it pours a medium brown color with a thin, beige head. Excellent lacing as I could track each gulp after finishing the pint. Somewhere just shy of a hint of coffee and definitely roasty the flavor was pleasing. Checking in at 7.2% abv there was no chance alcohol would interfere with the taste yet quickly gave me that "winter warming" feeling. The finish is what you would expect from fermenting at low temperatures- crisp and clean.

The SleighR, although named a "Dark, Double Alt", is actually a Sticke Alt (Secret Alt)-a style brewed by many German breweries for the holiday seasons. Most Sticke's are darker and higher in alcohol and this one is no exception. We will definitely be stocking this one all winter...