Well here we are mid-way through the post Thanksgiving week of gluttony. By now most of you have made it past the food comas and are returning to your normal routines which means it's time to drink more beer!
Luckily Burc continues to put on some great ones. The Southern Tier Oatmeal Stout has made its way back on and if you're looking for something a little less meaty we currently have the very good Zwick'l Kellerbrier German unfiltered lager. For those of you who want a beer that packs the wallop of a mini mart malt liquor but actually tastes good try the excellent Red Ales Ten Squared Imperial IPA which is basically a barely wine.
Tomorrow the Seahawks will be featured on Thursday Night Football...yes, we have the NFL Network. You're welcome.
If you haven't been in the store for a while you'll notice a really cool new table that has a chalk board top. As we have had to tell a couple of patrons already, no penisis or vaginas please.
Until next time...