Hardly! But a little cold and snow shouldn't keep you all from enjoying a nice frothy beer and we've got some good ones on right now (ok, when DON'T we have good ones on?) I'm sipping a Port Royal Foreign Extra Stout from 7 Seas as I type this and it's very tasty! Also new on tap is the Red Barn Ale from Lost Abbey, and Brrrbon Winter Ale from Windmer.
After watching the inevitable end of the Tim Tebow farce, made to look like the high school running back he is suddenly thrust into the role of leading his team, I'm ready for two really good football games this upcoming weeknd for the AFC and NFC title games. As always we will have them on so come on down!
Whoever makes it into the Superbowl, you can bet the Beer Authority will be a great place to watch. Not only will we have great beer to help you watch the lame Superbowl commercials, but my world famous chili will be making a long anticipated return for the game. Get some early cause it surely won't last!
In other news, congrats to Brian "BMW" Wannberg who won the Retro Boardgame Night last night! Brian now moves on to the Tournament of Champions which so far just includes Breezy. Next Retro Boardgame Night will be February 19th during President's Day Weekend. Sign up is at 5:00 PM with the competition starting at 5:30 PM. It's single elimnation with random drawing for the game selection. Who's going to step up and challenge them?
Next Tuesday please stop by and welcome Elliot Brewing to the neighborhood from 6-8. We will be featuring three of their beers on tap and we're really excited to have them in the LC-DUB!
February 8th we welcome 7 Seas Brewing for a tasting.
Come on down and have some beers!!
Peace out- Brad