Sunday, June 20, 2010

Christy Gives So. Tier High Marks

Christy on 6.11.2010

Southern Tier IPA

Commercial Description:  IPA stands for India Pale Ale and ours is an American version of the classic style. IPA’s namesake lies in its colonial roots. British soldiers on their way to India dark a lot of beer, but found it would go stale on the long voyages. Meanwhile, brewers knew that by adding more hops, the beer would stay fresh. Voila! A new style was born and it is one we are proud to brew. Southern Tier IPA is a triple-hopped on its journey to your glass for a fully aromatic experience.
4.0 Aroma: 7 Appearance: 3 Taste: 8 Palate: 4 Overall: 18

Amber color, minimal head, medium bitterness, light sweetness, lightly sour, salty, medium body, lively taste.  This is a totally drinkable IPA. - clean, crisp, flavorful. Not too heavy, just enough bitterness.  Another great beer from Southern Tier

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